Happy international mother’s day! Just like today, there are some rare occasions when, regardless of the differences in our cultural background, people from around the world align in agreement to celebrate. Celebrating brings hope and inspires people - and Simply.TV advanced discovery metadata is gearing you up for your viewers to experience just that. And so, how could you create meaningful user journeys that will immerse your viewers into the content they love most, especially on an occasion like today?

There are virtually no limits when it comes to metadata, reason why any TV provider or OTT service should have access to data capable of enhancing their UI/UX to match or exceed the standards set by the current market leaders. Simply.TV is democratizing access to inspiring data that is the backbone of immersive user experiences. Deep keywording resulting in contextual recommendations via universes, can become a key driver in creating a competitive advantage. What is the secret?
Contextual, timely, deep, non-intrusive, ethical recommendations based on pre-established content universes are the answer. Giving back your users full control and customization of their choices is key in ensuring a seamless user journey. With a wide range of universes, Simply.TV gives you the possibility to create a space where content thrives - not based on algorithms, but based on what your viewers care about.

It is not a secret that empathy connects people, the same applies to metadata. With your users in mind, we designed content carousels to address the major events happening in the world. Our purpose? Inspire, connect, create meaningful experiences. Whether your users prefer educational content, feel-good movies, or series they could binge-watch, Simply.TV universes can enable your interface to adjust contextually, to today’s celebration - or any other celebration in a matter of minutes. Powered by automatization, and infused with human empathy, Simply.TV is constantly developing new ways to create meaningful user experiences. See for yourself, request a demo today.